IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARAGE SAMALYA Marage Homes began as a vision, originating from the untimely death of our CEO's brother, Marage Samalya. Our CEO and Our Client Family CEO Sukiea Kakouche and XavierCEO Sukiea Kakouche and Robert A Few Members Of Our Client Family Jonathan“Since coming to Marage Homes my life has changed. The staff cares about me and I feel like I am going to do great things in my life”HowardBefore Howard came to Marage Homes he almost gave up on himself. He now enjoys his life and is participating in day support and weekly outings with staff. Howard states, "Marage Homes is a good place and I am glad I moved here and found people who care about me".XavierXavier makes Marage Homes a bright happy place. 100 years by Five For Fighting